Funny Things to Say on Twitter

Out of ideas on what to tweet?

You're not alone - sometimes businesses feel clueless about what to post on Twitter.

In this article, I'll give you 42 vetted tweet ideas for the next time you have no idea what to tweet.

Some of my favorites include:

  • Tweet a behind-the-scenes shot from your business
  • Tweet interesting stats from your industry
  • Tweet a review of a product you use

And those are just the beginning!

Basically, if you want some fresh ideas for Twitter content, you're in the right place.

Believe me: you won't suck at Twitter if you use these 42 tweet ideas for things to post on Twitter.

Here's a quick list with links to the detailed sections below:

1. Tweet about awesome customer service you just received

2. Tweet a photo of your meal

3. Tweet a video

4. Ask a question in a tweet

5. Ask a question to learn more about your followers

6. Tweet your opinion of a movie you just watched

7. Tweet about something funny that happened recently

8. Tweet the view from your office

9. Tweet breaking news from around the world

10. Respond to someone else's tweet

11. Tweet an inspiring quote and photo

12. Tweet about your weekend plans

13. Tweet fun photos from the past

14. Ask for feedback before you make a major purchase

15. Ask if anyone needs help with anything

16. Tweet a behind-the-scenes shot from your business

17. Randomly thank your followers

18. Thank someone for sharing one of your tweets

19. Thank someone for an article they wrote

20. Wish somebody happy birthday

21. Tweet interesting info about your hometown

22. Recommend others to follow on Twitter

23. Tweet a selfie

24. Tweet a funny meme

25. Tweet about a company milestone

26. Tweet about an event you'll be attending

27. Tweet interesting statistics from your industry

28. Tweet about your favorite book

29. Preview one of your new products

30. Ask others to write captions for a photo you tweet

31. Retweet other people's content

32. Tweet a joke

33. Tweet that song you can't get out of your head

34. Thank someone for following you on Twitter

35. Tweet a review of a product you use

36. Tweet about something you just learned

37. Join a Twitter chat

38. Tweet your opinion about current events

39. Tweet (or retweet) about a fan

40. Tweet some brand history

41. Tweet fill-in-the-blank questions

42. Retweet this article!!

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42 Things to Tweet When Your Tweet Ideas Run Out

1. Tweet about awesome customer service you just received

If you're very happy with the customer service you just received, tweet about it!

This can be your way of saying thanks to the brand for doing an awesome job. It's also  a fantastic way to recommend the brand to your followers.

So, never be afraid to give the brand a shout out!

2. Tweet a photo of your meal

Sure, food photos do better on Instagram...

But who says you can't share mouthwatering food pics on Twitter too?

If it's a photo of your meal in a restaurant, tag the restaurant. After all, your followers might want to know where to go for such a meal.

Who knows, the restaurant may even decide to retweet your message.

If you're the one who cooked the meal - share the recipe behind the culinary masterpiece and your followers will love you for it!


3. Tweet a video

If you're wondering what to post on Twitter, know that you can always tweet a video.


Because 82% of users watch video on Twitter.

Moreover, videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than photos and 3x more likely than GIFs.

Videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than photos and 3x more likely than GIFs. Click to Tweet

There are so many opportunities with this. You can use video to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business. You can also share valuable tips and how to's or chat about a trending topic.

Just make sure to start your video with a "bang" and keep it short. That's one of the best strategies for Twitter videos.

4. Ask a question in a tweet

Question posts are a fantastic way to engage with your followers.

You can ask their opinion on a topic, or just pose and engaging or rhetorical question.

If you don't know what to ask, you can always look inside Post Planner. We have a whole section of  questions and other status update.

You can tweet it out as text, or make it into a nice visual (these do even better!).

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5. Ask something to learn more about your followers

This is a fantastic way to gather information about your audience.

Ask a question and learn about who your followers are and what they like. The more information you have about your followers the better you can adjust your Twitter marketing strategy.

Not to mention that questions are a fantastic way to get engagement!

6. Tweet your opinion of a movie you just watched

If you just watched a movie that aroused some emotions or thoughts out of you, tweet about it.

Share your views on the movie and what you liked or didn't like about it.

Your followers will appreciate the insight.

7. Tweet about something funny that happened recently

Did something funny happen to you on your way to work? Tweet about it!

Do you have some other funny story to share? Share it!

Don't miss an opportunity to make someone smile or laugh 🙂.

8. Tweet the view from your office

Have a great view from your office window? Share it!

Give your audience a peek at what you see every day.

Whether it's the busy streets and skyscrapers, the sea, or the lush green of the local park, your followers will appreciate a sneak peek!

Is there something interesting going on outside of your window? A parade? A big traffic jam? You can share that too!

9. Tweet breaking news from around the world

Twitter has always been a news platform.

After all, we live in a time when breaking news appears on Twitter way earlier than it ever makes it into newspapers and online news posts.

You can be the one to share that news.

10. Respond to someone else's tweet

This is a fantastic way to build relationships and engage with other users.

If you see a tweet you like or want to share you thoughts on - go ahead and start a conversation.

I especially reccomend doing this for the tweets shared by Influencers as it's your chance to catch their attention and start building a relationship.

You can also respond to a tweet that shares your content or says something nice about your brand.

This little piece of engagement will only take you a second but will go a long way in strengthening your relationship with that follower.

11. Tweet an inspiring quote and photo

Visuals are hot - we all know that.

But inspiring quotes are especially hot! They always get tons of engagement.

In fact, that's why we have a whole Quotes Section inside the Post Planner app.  So, if you want to share a nice inspirational quote, you can always find one in there.

don't know what to tweet.pngOf course, you can always create your own quoted images too.

Want to know what other types of content does really well on Twitter? Take a peek at this Ebook, where we share the 11 types of content you should be sharing on Twitter.

12. Tweet about your weekend plans

Have something awesome planned for the weekend?

Don't be shy - Tweet about it!

Who knows, you might even find people to join you or at least pitch you some ideas or suggestions.

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13. Tweet fun photos from the past

Why not reminisce about the past and share a nice photo?

It's a great way to let your followers learn more about you and to build a more personal connection.

You can share a shot from your last vacation, a old childhood photo, etc. The possibilities are endless!

You can even tap into the #ThrowbackThursday trend.

14. Ask for feedback before you make a major purchase

Don't know whether to buy something or not?

Tweet about it and ask your followers.

Most users will jump at an opportunity to share their opinion and experience.

As a result, you'll get some valuable advice and a lot of engagement to go with it!

Who knows, maybe the brand you're considering buying from will even see your tweet and decide to give you a discount!

15. Ask if anyone needs help with anything

Always try to be open and helpful.

Ask your followers if they need any help or have any questions.

This is a great opportunity to show that you care, to gather more information about the problems your customers are having, and to boost engagement.

16. Tweet a behind-the-scenes shot from your business

Everyone loves behind-the-scenes shots as they provide a real inside look at the company.

Moreover, such shots humanize your brand and make you more real and more personal.

You can tweet a photo showing your team in action... or perhaps the process of how your product is made. You can even tweet a photo of the team hanging out. The choice is all yours.

Behind the scenes shots are definitely one type of content you need to tweet out once in a while.

17. Randomly thank your followers

Surprise your followers by randomly thanking them.

You can thank them for being loyal followers, for being awesome, for...make something up!

18. Thank someone for sharing one of your tweets

Did someone share your content? Thank them and let them know you appreciate it.

This is a great way to start building connections and relationships.

Sometimes a little thank you can go a long way!

19. Thank someone for an article they wrote

If you see a great article or piece of content, don't be shy - thank the author for writing it.

Not only can this bring a smile to their face, but it may also help you start a conversation.

This is especially great if the author is an influencer.

20. Wish somebody happy birthday

If you see it's someone's Birthday, don't forget to wish them "Happy Birthday!"

They will definitely appreciate the attention!

21. Tweet interesting info about your hometown

This is an especially good idea if you run a local business and a large part of your audience is from your town...

But even if that's not the case - don't be afraid to showcase your city and help your followers learn more about the place you call home.

You can tweet interesting history facts, old photos, city news, etc.

22. Recommend others to follow on Twitter

Twitter users are always looking for new people to follow.

So, help them! Recommend a few accounts to follow.

These can be influencers or just people who share great content.

Your followers will find it valuable, and it will also strengthen your relationship with the followers you mention.

23. Tweet a selfie

Instagram is not the only place to share selfies - Twitter loves selfies too.

Of course, this doesn't mean you need to tweet every selfie you take of yourself.

Give preference to ones that are interesting and original.

You can tweet individual or group shots. If you share a group selfie, don't forget to @mention the users in the photo.


24. Tweet a funny meme

Sure, memes are not as popular as they were a few years ago, but they're still pretty hot.

Not to mention that they're also great for getting lots of engagement.

So, find a funny meme, add your own comment to it, and tweet!

25. Tweet about a company milestone

Keep your followers in the know with what is going on in your business.

If your company has an important milestone (turned 10 years old, got its 1000's customer, etc), let your followers know.

This will build brand awareness around your business and get you some extra attention.

26. Tweet about an event you'll be attending

If you're going to a cool event - let your followers know.

Some of your followers may not know about it and your tweet will give them a chance to attend.

If there's a lot of interest around the event, you can even tweet photos while you're there.

27. Tweet interesting statistics from your industry

Statistics always do well on Twitter. They are shareable, informative, and straight to the point.

There are a couple ways you can share statistics:

  • Tweet them as a text status update
  • Turn them into a visuals
  • Use a statistic to promote and complement your content (like we did in the tweet below)

28. Tweet about your favorite book

People are always looking for good books to read, so sharing your favorite book with your audience is not a bad idea.

If you have a favorite industry-specific book, that's another thing you should tweet out.

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29. Preview one of your new products

This is your chance to get the word out about about a new product you're launching.

It never hurts to get an extra word out and build buzz.

Just make sure you tease it and leave some element of surprise. Make your audience excited to find out more about your new product.

You can tweet a photo, the name of the new product, a short video sneak peak, or an interesting fact about the product.

30. A sk others to write captions for a photo you tweet

Post a funny or interesting photo and get your followers to caption it.

This is a fantastic way to get more engagement and lift up your mood (some of the responses you'll get back will definitely crack you up).

In fact, you can even turn in into a whole contest and offer a small prize for the best caption.

31. Retweet other people's content

Retweeting is  a great way to:

  • expand your content offering and provide variety
  • build relationships with other users (and influencers)
  • position yourself as an authority and go-to-source in your niche
  • save time

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One of the best things you can do when retweeting is "retweet with comment." Add your own thoughts and insights around the tweet you're sharing and offer additional value.

Also make sure that you're posting content yourself, and not just retweeting everything that catches your eye.

32. Tweet a joke

It's never a bad time to make someone laugh.

Not to mention that funny content always does well on Twitter.


In fact that's exactly we we added in a separate "Funny" section to Post Planner.

So, if you're looking for funny things to tweet, just open up the app, pick a great piece of content, and share!

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33. Tweet that song you can't get out of your head

Is there a song stuck in your head?

Share it on Twitter and get it stuck in your Twitter followers' heads 😉

34. Thank someone for following you on Twitter

This is so easy to do, but can be the first step to building a relationship with that new follower.

It's your way to show your appreciation and acknowledge the fact that the user is now a part of your community.

It doesn't have to be long, but make it as personal as you can.

You can also use this as an opportunity to tell the user a bit more about yourself or share a special offer.

35. Tweet a review of a product you use

This is your chance to share value with your followers.

If you tried a product or service - tweet about it and let your followers know whether you recommend it or not.

Such advice is always welcome.

It's also your chance to get in touch with the brand you're reviewing and let them know your thoughts. Who know - they might even tweet right back at you or offer you a discount for the next time you buy their product.

36. Tweet about something you just learned

One of the biggest rules on Twitter is to share value with your audience.

So, if you just learned something new and interesting, consider sharing it with your audience.

However, do so only if it's relevant to them and to your niche.

37. Join a Twitter chat

If you're still not taking part in Twitter chats, it's the perfect time to start.

They're a great way to learn something new and connect with people in your niche.

It's also a fantastic way to build authority and position yourself as a leader in your industry.

38. Tweet your opinion about current events

Like I mentioned before, Twitter is a "News" network.

All the big events, the breaking new stories - you can find them all on Twitter and easily share your opinion on the matter.

One of the things you can do is tap into the trending topics. See what current events are trending right now, and share your insight on the matter.

39. Tweet (or retweet) about a fan

This is a great opportunity to shine a light on one of your followers...

Or show them your appreciation (if they said something great about you or your brand).


40. Tweet some brand history

Dig up your archives and see if there's any brand history you can share.

Perhaps it's an old logo your brand used to have, or a photo of the early version of your product.

Your followers will love to see it!

41. Tweet fill-in-the-blank questions

These are a great way to get your followers engaging, tweeting, and sharing.

Not to mention that they're super easy to create and share.

You can come up with your own fill-in-the-blank questions , find great ones online, or use Post Planner's Status idea generator. The app has a whole section with thousands of fill-in-the-blank questions for your to choose from.

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42. Retweet this article!!

Retweet this post!  😉

Final Thoughts

You've got a lot to work with here!

Hopefully, these ideas for things to tweet will help you next time you feel stumped!

And as an added benefit -- if you tweet things from this list consistently -- you should see an increase in your retweets and engagement too.

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